A Trader‘s Mindset
3 min readOct 3, 2020

“We become what we think about “Earl Nightingale

I was inspired by this statement on how it exactly influences our trading style.

Trading is very much our mindset and what we think about when we start our trading day.

If we start our day feeling nervous and unsure our brains will act as such approaching every trade, as result you might find yourself missing on many trades or even selling much earlier than needed & end up with an emotional cycle of regret for leaving money on the table or chasing wrong advanced entries which will result in the negative outcome this cycle usually will fuel more dangerous & contagious negative mindset in which it will lead you on a down roll with everyday trading cycle, until you hit a winning trade that will help you reverse this cycle, hopefully this happens before major damage to your account, some unfortunately not as fortunate!

I have lately taken a challenge team and I find it to be the most rewarding experience, what is fascinating is interacting daily with all the various emotions that I can sense across from all members and how some traders approach differently the same trade alert given to them at the same time depending on there progress with the challenge account & how they feel about themselves #mindset.

I have always emphasized that trading is all about

  • Risk management.
  • Planning with an edge.
  • Execution.

One thing that can change the outcome of your trade is you applying your emotions, It’s like adding fuel to the fire!

Today trading & especially the past 12 months had been absolutely challenging.

Wall Street & Algo’s are always 10 steps ahead. There is always a reason on why the market is doing what’s it’s doing reasons and reasons are given every day as I listen to analysts or news outlet for the insight of various opinions shared, however, if you look into the bigger picture you will come to understand that the whole stock market is built from various mindset’s mixed from advanced traders, big hedge funds & the fed’s viewing headlines & foreseeing warning or positive signs.

Let’s be clear even big hedge funds have losing trades however they all have one thing in a common strict Risk management program that keeps them rolling on to the next one. That also means no one even big hedge funds with senior market analyst can get it right all the time.

Reviewing various tweets from different accounts some claiming victory, some confused, and others are angry. I can only read one thing isolating the noise, again it’s only pure emotions. The fact some traders claim victory for foreseeing a pullback or uptrend does not mean they will always be right or visa versa, eventually those traders will with no doubts switch seats in one cycle or another.

However, only traders who set risk & follow an edge & execute with no emotions or bias will NOT be always right, but they will definitely stay CONSISTENT, and that is your goal as a trader!

The above was food for your mind

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Yours truly,

A Traders mindset

A Trader‘s Mindset
A Trader‘s Mindset

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